Meet Laurent Hélène

a Gifted Energy Healer

Meet Laurent Hélène, a dedicated spiritual energy healer whose journey began in July 2012. His path was illuminated during a visit to see a spiritual healer. Laurent was profoundly moved when the healer touched him, experiencing a powerful surge of energy and an overwhelming sense of love and awakening. This life-altering moment marked the start of his transformation.

One day, while playing with his cats, Laurent discovered something remarkable. As he placed his hands on one of them, he observed the fur vibrating with energy. This revelation made him realize that he had been blessed with the “Gift of Healing” by the Divine, activated by his encounter with the healer.

Since that transformative event, Laurent has immersed himself in the study of various healing modalities, aiming to provide both spiritual and physical relief to those in need. His extensive knowledge and experience have enabled him to empower individuals to enhance their lives with ease.

In 2013, Laurent attended an SNU Healing week at Arthur Findlay College in the UK, where he explored all aspects of Spiritual energy Healing.
He also spends significant time at his spiritual sanctuary in Brazil, the Casa de Dom Inacio.

Laurent has worked with individuals from around the world, helping them achieve emotional and physical well-being.
Currently, he offers group distance energy healing sessions every Wednesday and Thursday at 1 pm (CET Paris).
These sessions operate on a donation basis only, meaning you are free to contribute an amount that reflects the value you receive from the sessions.

Laurent is here to support and guide you on your healing journey, ready to share his gift and knowledge to help you find balance and peace.